Wednesday Mornings @ 10:45 AM


“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” ROMANS 8:26-27

We believe we are called to live a lifestyle of a praying people who are dependent on the Holy Spirit!

Join us Wednesday mornings @ 10:30am to come pray with us & learn how to pray with the power of the Holy Spirit, together.

Equip Nights

Join us Wednesday's @ 7:00pm

We want too intentionally seek the presence of God together and create a holy and pleasing space for the Holy spirit to rest upon & transform lives in corporate and personal encounters with the Living God.

Current Series: Spirit Wars with Kris Vallotton

You know the battle is raging--but are you fighting the right enemy?

Just as enemies fought Joshua in the Promised Land, and Nehemiah faced opposition as he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, our enemy will fight us as we approach the spiritual terrain God has promised us. Most Christians retreat at the first sign of conflict because they fail to recognize the true nature of the battle. But you can prevail in freedom and joy.

Sharing his deeply personal story of demonic bondage, torment and ultimate deliverance, pastor and bestselling author Kris Vallotton turns the idea of spiritual warfare as we know it on its head. He reveals the diabolical lies and strategies of the enemy--attacks and traps so subtle and deceptive that we may find our souls and hearts imprisoned without even knowing it.

No more! Now you can win the invisible battle against sin and the enemy. Victory is within your grasp. Will you take hold?


Stay connected with a healthy group of Men who are passionate about pursuing a life rooted and founded on the foundation of Jesus.

We believe in community & we want YOU to be a part of it.

All men of all ages are welcome!

Bracebridge Young Adults

Ages: 18-30 Join us Monday's at 6:30 pm


Bracebridge Youth

Ages: 12-18

Email: for more details

SOZO Ministry | Book Now!

The SOZO ministry is unique in that the main goal is to deal with the roots of hindrances to your personal connection to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, enabling you to walk in the fullness of your God-given destiny. SOZO is an inner-healing/deliverance ministry SOZO is simple, fast, Spirit-led and effective SOZO finds issues in minutes instead of years. Life Church Muskoka is certified to by SOZO Canada/USA. Booking

email: , call 705-640-0200 or click HERE!