LSSM is a part time ministry school based on the curriculum of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California.

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Sign Up Deadline: September 17th 2023
Do you know deep down that there has to be more to your Christian walk with God, but don’t know how to break out of your norm?
You don’t have to figure it out alone .
At Life School of Supernatural Ministry, you will be equipped to walk in your God-given calling, encounter His presence and see heaven come to earth.

Our Mission
"The mission of LSSM is to raise, equip and deploy sons and daughters who serve with excellence and carry kingdom authority into their sphere of influence in every corner of the globe."
The classes cover the following themes:
Biblical Foundations
Kingdom Theology
Spiritual Living:
healing, prophecy, evangelism, intercession

Core Values
We will cultivate an atmosphere of encounter where knowing and being known is the center of every activity. Every movement is birthed in the Presence.
We will anchor our lives to an awareness of the Father’s voice over every other opinion. Walking as sons and daughters, we love as He loves us, serving with confidence and authority.
We will live as a family who are stronger in relationship than in isolation. Honour and generosity mark our connections with one another.
We are changed from glory to glory so that we may become agents of change. Ny His grace we are new creations who carry a new nature.
We will embrace truth, no matter the cost so that freedom comes to every aspect of our lives and to every creature on the planet. Responsibility crowns our freedom with glory.
We will live fully alive, confident in His ability to keep us, as we learn to fly. Growth requires us to step into the unknown and obedience will stretch us beyond our abilities into the impossible.